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Andrada Mihailescu
Copil cu parul de foc, azi se face un an de cand ai plecat. Se face un an de cand tu ai pierit, pentru ca eu sa traiesc. Se face un an de...
Andrada Mihailescu
The crisp cold wind of change on that early October morning gave her shortness of breath, reminding her of those moments when she lay on...
Andrada Mihailescu
*Chapter V - Dawn Coloured Hourglass*
Quite often do I find myself thinking about those wonderful days from my childhood, when all I had to worry about was what game I was...
Andrada Mihailescu
*Cifra Opt*
Azi, 30 Iunie 2016, se fac 8 luni. 8 luni de cand nimic nu mai este cum era. 8 luni de la proba de foc. Mi se pare ca a trecut atat de...
Andrada Mihailescu
*Chapter IV - Cinnamon Flavoured Phoenix*
Whilst wondering through the desert, with the sun burning my skin, I couldn't help but wonder if I could ever outgrow the feeling of...
Andrada Mihailescu
*Scrisoare catre tine*
Dragul meu, Azi, 7 Aprilie 2016 imi e dor de tine mai mult decat intr-o zi obisnuita. E ziua ta si tare as vrea sa te strang in brate. Ai...
Andrada Mihailescu
*Chapter III – Emerald Tear Drops*
Last night, I saw you again, after quite some time, since you left. I was so glad to be by your side, even if I knew you'd leave once...
Andrada Mihailescu
*Chapter II – The Crystal Carrousel *
Hi there, can you hear me? Can you tell me your name? These are questions I would hear again and again, after dancing the amber waltz....
Andrada Mihailescu
*Chapter I – The Amber Waltz*
A dream or reality, I had no idea at first which one was the right answer. It seemed so unreal and yet I was not asleep, for it to be a...
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